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What Is Complex PTSD & How Does PTSD Affect Relationships?

how does ptsd affect relationships

Do you or a loved one suffer with PTSD or CPTSD? You’ve likely heard the term post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. But what is Complex PTSD? And how does it affect relationships? Profoundly…let me explain. CPTSD is a relatively new diagnosis. It was first included in the 11th version of the International Classification of Diseases […]

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3 Keys To Healthy Relationships For Married Couples

healthy relationshps for married couples

  Everyone wants their marriage to be fantastic. Unfortunately, they don’t all work out that way. My husband’s and my previous marriages ended in divorce. So we’ve spent the last 10 years really digging into the science of love and healthy relationships for married couples. Not only did we need to understand our failed relationships, […]

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7 Tips For Surviving Infidelity As The Cheater And Regaining Your Inner Peace

surviving infidelity as the cheater

Probably half the couples I see in my therapy practice are trying to work through the damage caused by a betrayal. This is a deeply painful topic, especially if it’s effected you personally. Even seeing the words in print – betrayal, cheater, infidelity, affair – will evoke strong, unpleasant emotions in most people. Feelings of […]

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3 Vital Keys to Connection in Marriage

Beep, beep, beep! Susan slammed her hand down on the alarm to silence it. The stillness in the room was spoiled by the weighty reality of another long and lonely day. Her husband Mark would be at the office for more than a dozen hours, leaving Susan alone from sunup to sundown… yet again. Is […]

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How To Know When To Divorce: 9 Important Questions You Must Ask Before Ending Your Relationship

Divorce or restore

Are you in relationship distress? Are you considering ending your relationship in this New Year? Thinking of divorce? If you’re like many, you toughed your way through the holidays, not wanting to  disappoint the kids or other family members during what should be a time of celebration. You put on your best happy face and […]

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