Have you ever wondered why less than 17% of Americans are able to live into their new years resolutions? Can you guess what the top three resolutions are that Americans make?
1. Loosing weight.
2. Getting organized.
3. Spending less and saving more.
What if our resolutions truly lined up with our core values and view of reality? Most people on the planet believe that life in the here-and-now is only one part of a larger journey that cannot be defined by space and time. Most people also believe that the most important investment we can make on this journey is in our relationships.
Since relationships are the key to making progress, wouldn’t relational resolutions be more important to make and keep? Consider making the following resolutions in 2014:
1. Taking daily time to connect with your creator.
2. Staying continuously open and aware of the thoughts and feelings of your life
3. Resolving to stay present to and open with your friends.
4. Practicing relentless optimism.
5. Being grateful for what you have been given.
6. Refusing to judge others.
7. Developing the capacity to stay out of shame.
8. Focusing your life to further your specific life purpose.
9. Letting go of all content that does not encourage attachment.
10. Being generous in many small acts of love and kindness.
My guess is that if we focus on relational resolutions it will be easier to stay disciplined with issues like weight loss, organization and money management. Living a rich life requires investment in relationships. If you are struggling in your relationship, we offer coaching and counseling for couples and individuals.
For new years resolution statistics go to: