It’s been two and a half years since saying goodbye to my healthy monthly paycheck and joining my husband in full time partnership. On occasion I still wonder if my accomplishments or contributions to our partnership are earning my keep. Am I doing my fair share in furthering our mission and vision?
Though I have certainly felt “busy” with book writing, platform building, client scheduling and screening, business and personal accounting and nutritional menu planning, I just can’t shake the feeling of not working as hard as Michael. When I compare my inputs and outcomes with those of my husband I sometimes find myself asking, “am I pulling my own weight?”
I began reflecting on one of our many great adventures. It was a leisurely and especially beautiful Saturday morning. Michael and I jumped on the tandem and headed to the beautiful foothills positioned just a few miles East of our backyard.
As I sat on the back of our beloved bicycle-built-for-two, doing every bit of my part to push us up the hills, I was joyfully reminded of the propelling power of our connection, which allows us to reach our goals.
On one bike, pedals connected by one chain, we partnered our way up the hills and squealed our way victoriously down those same hills. Regardless of the wise-cracker who called out in passing “she’s not pedaling”, I knew better.
Without doubt, we were two parts of one whole, successfully partnering on a shared mission.
The contributions we make to our marriage partnership cannot be appraised based on the size of a paycheck, hours worked, widgets produced or children cared for.
A daily evaluation of our marital connections will provide the most valuable data for keeping our marriage relationships healthy and prosperous and moving forward in a shared mission and vision. That is when successful partnership will be at its best!
Stay connected, stay successful!
Until next time,
Are you struggling with your marital connection? Call today for your free consult and to learn how couples therapy can take your marriage to the next level.