Being the best version of yourself starts here.

Being the best version of yourself starts here.

Life’s too short to settle for anything less than extraordinary!

Life may feel overwhelming right now, and you might be hard on yourself, believing that something is inherently wrong or that you should be managing everything better, no matter how tough things get. You may feel empty, unsuccessful, anxious, or stressed, struggling with thoughts of being “not good enough,” unworthy, helpless, or worthless. You may have lost your spiritual grounding or your north star. If any of this resonates with you, know that there’s hope—you can transform your life through therapy.

Discover Personal Growth and Healing Through Individual Therapy

You may feel like you’ve been stuck in depression or anxiety for so long that change seems impossible, or perhaps you’ve tried therapy before without seeing significant improvement. But there is help! With relatively short treatment, you can experience a reduction in symptoms and an increase in confidence, self-worth, and optimism.

How to Engage

As a Certified Emotionally Focused Individual Therapist (EFIT), Dr. Regier can help you become the best version of yourself so you can fully enjoy the life you deserve.

Step 1. Request an Appointment

When you call the Center for Relational Excellence, Paula, our Practice Administrator, will answer your questions and direct you to our Discovery Questionnaire.

Step 2. Do Your Work

Dr. Regier will work closely with you to identify and navigate the problems you’re dealing with and establish a path to a better version of you.

Step 3. Enjoy Your Life

Together, we can change the patterns that have caused disconnections and problems, so you can return to enjoying your life.

Meet Dr. Michael Regier

Dr. Michael Regier is a clinical psychologist, individual and marriage counselor and relationship educator. He has over 30 years of experience working with diverse client populations in inpatient, outpatient, addictions and corporate settings.

Let’s work together

Dr. Michael Regier offers Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples (EFT) which is empirically validated as the gold standard for relationship therapies. He sees San Luis Obispo County clients in-person in his Los Osos, California office. In addition, he serves clients throughout California online. Dr. Regier is skilled at working with couples to balance their relationship needs. He helps couples with communication problems and mistrust by identifying the triggers that create arguments. And by learning how to validate and to appreciate what each person brings to the relationship.

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Dr. Regier uses a combination of Emotionally Focused Therapy and Depth Psychology to help individuals understand how to improve their capacity to connect in their relationships and pursue a path of development congruent with their unique personality and cognitive abilities. He will help you heal past injuries and listen to the guidance of your unconscious to discover the best version of yourself. He is skilled at helping clients improve work-life balance, take career next steps and answer questions of meaning.

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While we all deserve to love and be loved, our experiences with relationships growing up can challenge our ability to stay connected to others over the course of our lives. Relationship education can help couples and individuals understand how to build relationship foundations that they can build upon. Understanding the science of attachment, how to grow emotional intelligence, and personality differences are invaluable for helping you and your relationship thrive. With relationship foundations you can experience those transformative “aha moments” where real change happens.

Michael’s many resources – books, poetry, music, online courses, seminars and retreats – will help you learn with your head and express with your heart.

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We are more than the sum of our parts. While psychology is crucial for helping us understand ourselves and facilitating change, it does not explain or address the spiritual core of who we are. Psychospiritual therapy, on the other hand, creates a foundation in love that enables us to evolve beyond the fear rooted in our survival instincts. Psychospiritual Therapy is based on psychological science and theory while also integrating the ancient wisdom of loving spirituality.

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