October 15, 2013 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
Over the weekend I watched a half marathon and was amazed at the different shapes and sizes of people who crossed the finish line. The first and fastest were gazelle-like creations who seemed to have an effortless bounce in their strides, barely breaking a sweat. Then there was the middle group of older, less prepared, […]
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Productive Distractions
September 24, 2014 / by Paula / Relational Excellence Articles, Tandem Marriage
This past week has taken me off my originally mapped-out course of our book writing project. Running Michael’s busy psychotherapy practice is both rewarding and challenging. Phone calls throughout my day leave me distracted by the sounds of marital crisis. The depth of emotional pain in their pleas for help is sometimes overwhelming. The urgent […]
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What is True Masculinity?
September 12, 2014 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
I am leading a new men’s group, attended mostly by men who I have been seeing with their wives in couple’s therapy. Beginning each group with a centering mediation, today I began to focus on the area of embracing our true masculinity. I asked the men to get in touch with who they are as […]
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10 Resolutions Worth Keeping
December 31, 2013 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
Have you ever wondered why less than 17% of Americans are able to live into their new years resolutions? Can you guess what the top three resolutions are that Americans make? 1. Loosing weight. 2. Getting organized. 3. Spending less and saving more. What if our resolutions truly lined up with our core values and […]
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What Makes the Holidays Happy?
December 24, 2013 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
So many of us idealize the season of Christmas. Neuroscience has taught us that we are created for connection and that our brains crave hugs and warm emotional affirmations. This does indeed bring us happiness and a sense of well being. No matter how old we are we cannot help but wish for the magic […]
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Inhaling Capacity to Connect: Oxytocin, Brain and Behavior
December 20, 2013 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
New research has found a that inhaling oxytocin decreased decision making time about non-verbal social information in autism spectrum disorder patients (ASD). Oxytocin, known as the cuddle hormone, exists in higher levels in mothers with newborn children and in couples who are connected and sexually active. It is believed to be the hormone that is […]
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Racing for Relationships
October 15, 2013 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
Over the weekend I watched a half marathon and was amazed at the different shapes and sizes of people who crossed the finish line. The first and fastest were gazelle-like creations who seemed to have an effortless bounce in their strides, barely breaking a sweat. Then there was the middle group of older, less prepared, […]
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The Delusion of Consciousness
March 25, 2013 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
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Who Am I?
January 28, 2013 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
I woke up this morning with the lyrics of Les Miserable circulating through my brain “Who am I…to love another person is to see the face of God”. The truth of these lyrics has been haunting me. Not this morning but over and over again since my first and second experiences with the movie. Who […]
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The Genetics and Neuroscience of Love
August 25, 2012 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles
Neuroscience is on the hunt for the essence of what connects us. The evidence is now clear that we are connected with each other emotionally in deeper ways than we have been able to imagine. Louis Cozolino in the book “The Neuroscience of Human Relationships” writes: “There are no single brains…Through the biochemical alchemy of […]
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The Fear of Attachment
August 8, 2012 / by Michael Wayne Regier Ph.D. / Relational Excellence Articles, Tandem Marriage
There was a whole lot happening for me emotionally before we did that first ride!So wait! We need to back up. Seeing the tandem racing bike for the first time made my heart beat faster. Everything about it looked like a racer even if it was 10 years old. The custom hubs, the Ultegra gearing, […]
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